Friday, January 14, 2011

Food. YUM.

I hate writer's block, so I'm just going to write about something that I, like I bet many other people really enjoy.  Food. With some of a narrative in it.

The sound of my alarm - a song blasting from my iPod headphones - wakes me up.  I stretch, yawn, and rub my eyes, then get up to find something I can make to eat.  I walk to the fridge and shiver in the cold.  I miss the comfort of my bed.  I grab the milk and pour it into a cup.  The milk splashes into the cup, but I quickly put milk carton upright before the milk spills over.  I return the milk to its spot on the the fridge door, and put the cup into the microwave.  "Beep.  Beep.  Beep." One.  One.  Five.  One minute and fifteen seconds.  I run to complete my morning routine before running back to the kitchen to take the milk out.  I scan the kitchen for something else to eat.  Cereal, no.  Not enough time.  Graham crackers?  Nope, too sugary.  Noodles? Not enough time to cook or eat either.  I glance at the clock.  The bright green light tells me "7:18."  Crap! Late again.  I take a few large gulps of milk, wipe my mouth, grab a bag or Ritz, and run out of the house, stumble to put my shoes one, then grab my bike as I run out and start biking to school.  I brace myself for the long morning ahead, and eagerly wait for lunch.

Every Monday, Tiffany and I walk to Togo's to buy the daily special: the pastrami sandwich.  We order our sandwiches the same way every week: "Two pastrami sandwiches, on Parmesan bread, with everything but onions."  The Togo's sandwich has lettuce, mustard, tomatoes, pepperonicini, and pastrami.  The mustard is somewhat bitter, but it adds to the Togo's sandwich taste that I love.  It adds just just the right amount of bitterness to balance out the taste of the sweet tomato, the bland but cold lettuce, the spicy pepperonicini, and the pastrami.  Occasionally, I get the meal with a bag of jalapeño chips and a wild cherry pepsi. YUM. :D

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