Monday, October 11, 2010

Buchenwald Concentration Camp D;

Before I started seventh grade, I went on a huge trip to Europe. with one of the teachers at my school.  I remember before we went on the trip, I had to do some research for the places we went, and luckily, I wasn't assigned to research and write about the Buchenwald Concentration Camp that we went to.  I just did some research on it, and for those who are interested, here's a link with photos and information about the camp:
Buchenwald concentration camp
Here's the wikipedia page.
The gate into the concentration camp (here's a pic) reads, "Jedem das seine" which literally means, "to each his own," which was meant to mean that everyone who was in the concentration camp got what they deserved."

D; The history of the Holocaust is interesting, but so sad and depressing...

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