Friday, October 8, 2010


I can no longer remember the days when I used to have to send mail or make a phone call from the house phone to talk to a friend or relative that didn’t live very close to me, or just meet with them face to face. 

When somebody asks or tells me to contact somebody, I immediately either think of facebook, texting, or emailing (although, emailing, not so much). 

What has happened to our communication?  I talk to people so much more on facebook or through texting than I do in person.  With my closest friends, I talk to them in person for nearly the entire day, but the people I’m not as close to, I text them to get to know them better, but we don’t really talk at school.  We acknowledge each other when we see each other at school, and sometimes have short conversations, but they are never deep discussions that make the friendship bond stronger.  They are just conversations that keep the acquaintance there.  Only with one person have I actually got to know them better by both texting and talking to each other at school.  Oddly enough though, with some of those people, I tell them my “secrets” or complaints, online or through aim or text, rather than in person.

There are a few people I know solely from meeting them off the internet only, and I have never met them, nor do I ever intend to, but I did meet one person on my way to school, and we still talk.  Not on the phone, but on facebook and through texts. 

Is the new way of communication between people good or bad though?

In some ways, it’s good, because it keeps people connected faster than old school snail mail, and allows people to still get a chance to “talk” and get to know people across the world without the hassle of waiting for a few days to weeks to get an answer to a question in a letter.

In other ways, its outcome isn’t as positive though, because teenagers do not talk to each other in person and build actual friendships as much as they talk to others through technology and an electronic screen.  When we teenagers grow up, we cannot base our relationships solely through electronics, but we need actual people there to talk to. 

I think that technology should still be used, but maybe just not as often.  We need to start to go out, get some fresh air, and hang out!

What do you think about electronics and technology?  Good or bad?  Helpful or what?  Share your ideas with me!!! :D

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