Friday, November 12, 2010

Response to Music Club :D

Elton has always been one interesting student, and his blog posts do not miss a beat when it comes to fueling interesting responses, and even sometimes, debates. From his blog post, Music Club, the following quote really spoke to me:
So far the clubs practicing their music is going really great. Kyle and Yong Foo are teaching David the part and Carrie (I think that’s how you spell her name) is teaching Peter a bit on the piano. Kyle and Yong Foo are really great teachers. But when Amber was here she sang a song I’m not really sure. But if you get the chance, you should really ask Amber to sing, it has a really great feeling when you listen to her.
I wanted to make one comment about the last sentence in the first paragraph before saying anything else.  Elton, where did you hear that music club would be performing at Walmart(?!?) on December fourth?  We will be performing at ASTI's annual Silent Auction on December 4th.  Just FYI.

No offense intended to music club, but I feel like our meetings could be a bit more organized, and communication could be a lot more successful.  I get messages about some music club meetings from a friend, instead of a executive board member, and sometimes, like yesterday night, I got an extremely last minute music club meeting announcement, which threw me off guard, and I am usually busy on Fridays after school, but I managed to fit in some time in to go to the practice, but I got home an hour later than I was supposed to...

It was nice listening to the instrumentalists play today.  Normally music club is separated out into two different parts: the singers and the instrumentalists, and today, some of the instrumentalists stayed to practice, and it was nice watching them practice.  When I listened to Peter play, I got lost in the music, and I remembered why I originally fell in love with playing piano.  It inspired me to start again, since I stopped playing for a while, even though I teach my brother occasionally, and I practice on my own just for fun, I haven't made a commitment with piano yet.

Barbara changed around the lyrics for the rap part in Billionaire, and I won't give any of it away, but it's actually quite interesting, and it makes sense, which is great. :]

Kylie is still being Kylie, and in an effort to make me sing louder, he told me, "Think of me not as your ex-best friend, but as your singing instructor instead."  No offense Kylie, but I know how to sing, and even in my solos, I haven't been able to sing very loud my entire life.  It was my way to blend in better with the other singers at the choir.  If you sang too loud, you were looked down at.  If you sang quietly, well, no one would really notice, since they wouldn't be able to hear you anyways.  So I guess I've adapted to that, and it takes me a while to really warm up to singing loudly.  And I sing better lower notes than higher notes.

Thank you for your kind words, Elton :]  What do you not know?  I enjoy singing, and it's great to know that someone out there enjoys it too.

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