Friday, November 5, 2010


I haven't experienced writer's block until now.  What happened?!?  Did talking about writers block and coming up with ideas for things to write about in class somehow?
I have quite a few ideas to write about, but I have been so sleep deprived this week, I even skipped out on my weekly youth group, because I fell asleep in the car on the car drive there from San Francisco, and I didn't want to walk in late (15 minutes late...).  I tried to write a few pieces of fiction, but I started a few, but I was unable to finish them, so I saved them and started to try to write something new.
Writer's block is so frustrating though.  I hate the feeling of helplessness as I sit in a chair on the kitchen table, and type away, as my mom checks on my screen once every while to make sure that I am still on task, and not on Facebook, chatting, or surfing the web.
I think one of the main reasons why I am so distracted though, is because I am distracted by Phuong on Facebook, and because the TV is on, but when I usually write my blog posts, and do all my homework, I am on Facebook, switching back between the tabs.  I usually don't write with the TV on though, but it is extremely distracting with all the interesting current events.  There are so many acts of violence.  Channel after channel, news after news, there are reports of how a police officer was accused of sexually abusing his three children, many channels discussing and showing the riots in the streets of Oakland about the Mehserle case, the sentencing, and even a interview and report about a man who killed numerous people, but walked out of the room calmly, claiming that he didn't do anything, and that the man in the many surveillance videos wasn't him.  There was even a mother of a daughter who was (most likely) murdered by him that tried to talk to him, telling him that if it was an accident, he could admit it, that it was better if he got the case off his back if he was guilty of killing her daughter.  He stayed silent for forty minutes before finally telling her that he was nervous about talking to her too, but that he wasn't guilty.
I'm still tired and ready for sleep.  So sleep is where I'm headed.  The TV is off, and all I have to finish is to shower, and finish my blog post. I've got one checked off!

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