Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Anything and Everything (one of those brain-dump moments)

(FYI,  I wrote this on paper at 8PM today, and I'm just typing it up now.)

I'm listening to Dynamite and thinking: "What can I write about?" Hmmm...

Staring out at the sky, the setting sun and near-empty park, I realize, I'm cold.  There are a few people playing volleyball, one practicing soccer (no, not Marco), and a father with his children and dog.  This place, the tall slide platform, will be my new place.  This is where I go when the rest of my family or my brother are at the school in a meeting.  I wish I could come here at night more often.

Today is the Chinese Moon Cake Festival or whatever it's called.  You know, that day when Chinese eat moon cakes to celebrate the full moon or something? Yeah, that.

Anyways, I've been reading this book.  If I say the title, I bet a ton of people will start judging me or something for the kind of book I'm reading, so the title will remain unknown (the people I talk to a lot probably know what book I'm talking about).  As a result of my strange book preferences and choices and curiosity, I've been wondering:
What is it like to burn (literally, with fire)?  What does breaking a bone feel like?  What about being stung by a bee? Or having chicken pox?  What does it feel like if you're drowning?  Starving? High???

Ack.  It's getting cold. I'm going to go finish inside...

What happens if you fall off a cliff (other than the obvious)? What happens if you get stuck in what seems like a hallway that stretches on to infinity?  Become immortal? Invincible? Get all your wishes and everything you ever wanted?  And fall in love?

*random sidenote* You know, there's a reason why I was outside.  There's no way I can do homework with all these boy scouts running and yelling.  Oh my gosh... they were playing Duck Duck Goose earlier... I haven't played that game in such a long time!!!

And if you actually do read this, no, I'm not crazy ;) Just curious.


  1. Ummmmmmm....huh? I know you're not crazy, but I feel a bit crazy for reading this, since it sounds like a transcript of whatever was going on in your head while you wrote it. But this achieves little or nothing for your reader. Writing needs to have a clear and specific purpose; something you're trying to get across...There are tons of topics in here, and any single one of them would be a perfectly fine basis for a single blog post, but starting all of them and then cutting them off to go onto the next does not work. In a sense, you haven't STARTED writing this post yet.

  2. This wasn't exactly meant to be a blog post, like a paragraph format of one solid idea that all connect somehow, but more of a train of thought that I had because I just wanted to write, but I couldn't decide what to write about. It was more of a brain dump for me, and I just wrote whatever came to mind, but there are a few ideas that I got from this for future blog posts.

    And I posted an actual blog post that makes sense.
