Friday, September 17, 2010

ASTI Size Increase?

Today, we had a PTSA meeting at school, and we came to the topic of the possible size increase for ASTI.  Mr. Fong talked about how AUSD was planning to increase ASTI's size to 400 students, but the grades levels would be from seventh grade to twelfth grade.  The students would not be at the portable campus only, but supposedly, we would have the seventh and eight graders at a different campus, and the ninth through twelfth graders at the ASTI and COA campus.  Even though it is somewhat a good and a bad thing to be able to increase the size of ASTI, I personally would like it better if we could keep the ASTI size the same as it is now.

As many of you know, there have been major budget cuts this year, and the Parcel Tax did not get passed, so a lot of the funding for schools has been drastically lowered, and we do not have as many funds to pay for textbooks and teachers.  Many of the schools have been planning to shut down soon and merge with another school, and grades for the school to be changed.  I heard that Encinal High School and Lincoln Middle School might shut down, or the grades in Alameda High or something would be changed so there are seventh and eight graders too.  Also, they have plans to shut down about half of the elementary schools in Alameda, I think.

Because many of the schools might get shut down, and most schools are losing privileges and teachers.  As a small school, it's a great thing if the AUSD still allows ASTI to be an early college high school without thousands of students, but I really like the small environment ASTI has opposed to the large size of other "normal" high schools.  If the school size is increased, odds are, we will be able to have a sports team and games.  We would use the college classrooms, and the seventh and eighth graders would be at a different campus, and the high schoolers would only be part time college students for all four years.  We would take a combination of both high school courses at the ASTI campus, and college classes at the COA campus. (This is what I heard from the conversation, but I don't have any official proof for it.)

Personally, I would like it if ASTI could keep its small size, instead of increasing the number of students, because then it would be able to maintain the small family-like atmosphere, and most of the students would know each other.  I really like that the teachers and students are all a very tightly knit community of families and friends, that we can all depend on.  I also like how because of ASTI's small size, it seems more exclusive, and it is easier for teachers to focus more attention for each student, instead of less attention for more students.

I'm curious what you think about the possible size increase for ASTI. Please respond by commenting and let me know what you think.


  1. Oh man, I would be so sad if ASTI's size increased. We really are like a little family, and I love bragging to my friends at different schools about how awesome we are. The atmosphere at ASTI is the best at any school I've ever been to, and I've been to a lot of different schools, especially in elementary school. Now, some might say that elementary is way different from high school, but until I came to ASTI, every year of school was hell for me, not just middle school. Making ASTI a bigger school would probably ruin my acedemic life.

  2. i agree! i like asti the size it is now.

  3. I hope ASTI will stay the same size too, but when they actually make the change, it'll be 3 or 4 years from now, so we won't be affected as much...

  4. Hope I score you some more traffic and response--what you've written about here is obviously an important issue for all of us. Thanks, by the way, for your work on the PTSA!

  5. Well with budget cuts, there were also an increase in charter schools in Alameda. Many students chose that option to attend charters instead of public high schools. Encinal will close next year. I'm not sure that Lincoln will close since, Chipman had already close.

  6. I responded to your post...

  7. I responded to this post!
