Friday, September 24, 2010

Vampires? Response

After honestly reading over ten blog posts, I decided to write about Vampires from Jasmine's Blog.
"Twilight basically ruined vampires for all of us vampire fans."
  Even though I am no longer a fan of Twilight, I have to disagree with the claim Jasmine is making.  Twilight is what first introduced me to the world of vampires, and without it, I would most likely not be the vampire fan that I am now.  The Twilight series (the books) written by Stephenie Meyer were truly amazing, and they captured me from day one.  The first few chapters were honestly, not that interesting, but like all other books, they set up the setting and introduced characters.  Rarely are the first few chapters truly interesting.  After reading further (my friend strongly recommended the book, so I decided to give the book a try for her sake), I found that the book wasn’t boring at all.  It was actually very creative and unique. 

I have to admit though, it is ridiculous that vampires sparkle.  It’s not normal.  Even for vampires like Edward.  Other than that though, I can make no complaints about the books.  They kept me up until two in the morning, reading under the sheets with a flashlight, at camp.  I could only fall asleep when I began to feel guilty for staying up so late, but I would still fall asleep to the thought of Bella, Edward, Jacob, and their many problems. 

The movies, unlike the books, were terrible.  They could’ve chosen much better actors to portray Bella and Edward, and directed better.  The acting was poor, and didn’t capture the essence of Twilight, and the mysteriousness that the books held.  The story was easily predictable, and effects, poor.  Even the make-up was obvious.  The vampires were much to pale, and Edward seemed very constipated and awkward.  The character Edward did not meet Robert Pattinson’s character, and he portrayed Edward much too oddly.  The scene when he first got a whiff of Bella scent made him seem like he felt sick, not nervous and uncomfortable because of how much he wanted to taste Bella’s blood. 

The movie was what led me to begin my dislike of Twilight, but I still give the books the responsibility and honor of introducing and hooking me onto vampires.

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