Friday, September 17, 2010

What HAS happened to our teen movies?!?

As I was reading through all the blogs, I found about five blogs that I really wanted to write about, but in the end, I decided on Kim's Blog on "What happened to our teen movies?"

KimBO considered the differences between the current teen movies, to the movies from "yester-year":
"With these movies and TV shows that are broadcast to us, I start to wonder whether or not the people that watch them ever get tired of seeing the same people on their screens. I mean, back in the day, the ‘heartthrobs’ had distinct features that made them who they are. Now, all the males have the same attractive eyes, most of them the same skin tone, and all of them with that mop of hair."
 Not trying to be cliché or anything, but honestly, the best thing I can think of to say here, is simply, Kim is right.  She constantly goes on her movie obsessions and rants, and it oftentimes annoys me after more than a week of it.  I was really surprised to read that she did not like the movie Fame from 2009, but loved the movie from 1980 better.  She talked nonstop about Fame for a few weeks too.

With so much media influence in the teenage world now, with movies, TV shows, ads, and commercials, it's amazing that we teens still manage to stay alive under the many judgmental eyes that we pass everyday of our lives.  Although there are so many different movies and TV shows, most of them still have the same cliché storyline: "Boy meets girl, boy breaks girl's heart, boy wins girl again." or else, it's another vampire story or musical drama.  With all the similar faces and appearances on screen, and similar story lines, it is an interesting question of if people actually do get tired of seeing the same styles for appearances on screens.  Like Kim mentioned, in the past, each actor/actress all had different unique characteristics and features that easily kept them clearly different than other actors or actresses.  Many actor/actresses had a different way of being "attractive."  Nowadays, most people have the same standard for "pretty" or "sexy."  The faces on screen are the people who meet these standards, and are acceptable to teens.  And I just love how Kimbo says that they all have that "same mop of hair".  It's true though.  They all have very similar hair styles, and little variation.  Everyone and everything on screens are slowly become more cliché and less unique.

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