Friday, September 24, 2010

A Miracle

I longed for the familiar touch on my skin, breath on my neck, the brush of our hands, and soothing voice that strengthened me.  I remembered those special nights we had, hugging each other close against the cold, and deep conversations we had, pouring our hearts out to each other.  We would talk about our fears, our hopes, our dreams.  It felt like when we were together, the stars were aligned, and all the wrong in the world became right.  Things seemed perfect; all those problems disappeared, stress relieved.  Those moments grew shorter and shorter each time.  Soon, our conversations began to die off, and arguments began to break out.  We would argue about our faults, and how it was never our fault, but always the others’ for anything that went wrong.  The phone conversations began to dwindle down to nothing, and pretty soon, we disappeared from each others lives.  We still saw each other, but pretended we didn’t.  Occasionally, I could feel those intense, familiar eyes tracing the outline of my face, but when I looked in its direction; its attention quickly fell on the board.  As we grew older, we went to different schools, but the thoughts of each other never left our minds.

I went to college, and eventually created my own life on my own.  Date after date, each one seemed longer than the next.  Their voices began to sound like monotone, and before long, I lost all interest in them.  They always had the same stories: same block order childhood, education, same stories of their life and jobs.  Life slowly became more difficult, and as I improved at work, so did my salary and stress level.  Eventually, my only getaway was music–its soothing notes and lyrics never failed to center me, and remind me of my life and tasks.  My iPod and I easily became one, and inseparable.  By chance though, on my weekly shopping trips, I ran into a familiar person, though the appearance was more refined, but I could never forget those piercing eyes or strong hands that once held me so strongly.  We shared a glance, then a smile, but someone else came along, and they shared a moment.  I walked away east, they, west, and I continued hoping, that some miracle would happen.  


  1. wow. I'm speechless. I have a ? in my head. What was the point? >_<

  2. is it a good speechless? and the point of writing this? none really. i just felt like it.
